Dazed N. Confused
Missing Persons Reporter

Marking like these, scrawled on the walls of Casa Loma campus are suspected to be desperate pleas from the lost student. PHOTO: MARVIN MALAISE/THE MONOLOGUE
It was Wednesday, March 26 when Vair E. Lost walked into his first class of the semester at George Brown College (GBC). Unfortunately for Lost, he was one semester too late.
“I walked into the room, and all eyes were immediately on me.” Lost said recalling his unintentionally unshaven look, “I wasn’t sure if people were staring because I was late to class or because I hadn’t seen a shower in around six months.”
Vair E. Lost had been overly excited to start his first year at GBC for the fall semester in the plumbing program at Casa Loma campus. Coming from a small town in Northern Ontario, Lost never had the opportunity to tour the school grounds or attend orientation. His first order of business when walking through the glass doors at 1 Dartnell Avenue on September 3 was to get to room C 543 for his theory of plumbing class on his own.
“I lost track of time while roaming the halls in the first building and it wasn’t until I noticed the sun had set and the janitor had left that I was in D building.” Lost claims he wanted to prove to his family that he could do something on his own for once. “I didn’t feel the need to ask for help at the time.”
Lost figured he would have better luck the following day and found the closest wooden bench and got comfy for the night.
Thankfully for his keen sense of smell, it wasn’t long before Lost found a food court and was ready to start his trek the following day for his class.
“Looking back on it, my days all seemed to morph together. I wasn’t having any luck for the first month so I figured I would keep at it.” Lost was determined to say the least, “I realized after the third month that Casa Loma campus was a maze.”
Lost remembers the hardest part of finding his way around the school was choosing which stairwell to use. In D building, a main staircase was closed for construction and he couldn’t figure out how to get to E building. Once he found his way into E building, it was game-over for Lost. It wasn’t until the start of the second semester that he was in C building, one step closer to finding his classroom that he had so much time building up anticipation for.
Fortunately for Lost, It was only a short two months before he made his way to the fifth floor.
“I knew I was late but I didn’t realize I was that late” Lost recalls of his experience.
Since his elongated first semester, he now owns a map of the school and has the opportunity to start his first semester over.
There are corn mazes and there are campus mazes. For Lost, all it took was determination and patience to conquer this obstacle course.
Editor’s Note: The Monologue is the satire issue of The Dialog. All content in this issue is intended as satire or humorous commentary and makes no claim to be accurate, factual, or truthful. Please don’t sue us.