VirtualRealities: Crisis Brigade 2 Reloaded

A VR shooter that brings back memories of classic arcade games.


Did you ever play Time Crisis?

It was an old school arcade game one could find when running around Chuck E Cheese, Playdium, and other places where you’d spend too much money for an experience only considered meh.

Like many arcade cabinets focused on shooting, the player was armed with a gun – and in this case a pedal to take cover – as you’d make your way through waves of what seemed like unending enemies.

It was a unique game style that made you feel like you were a cop involved in a shootout.

For those who want to experience this type of game now – without being the weird one security watches at Chuck E Cheese – developer Sumalab released Crisis Bridage 2: Reloaded for the PlayStation VR2, on Sept. 14, 2023.

An updated port of the original game released in 2020, this version takes full advantage of the nuances of the PSVR2, providing an experience that will keep you engaged.

At it’s core, Reloaded is a fast action shooter where the player races against the clock to meet and beat the boss. Armed with a gun and (barely) aided by an easy to kill computer controlled partner, you must clear each area of all enemies before the clock runs out.

To make things a little more challenging, this game makes you duck for cover from incoming bullets, keeping your head on a swivel as the shot that takes you out could come from anywhere. Taking cover in the game means moving your body – not simply pushing a button like other games, which is not an option here – this not only adds to the immersive experience, it also builds up a sweat as you narrowly dodge a shot from above while avoiding someone attempting to flank.

There is also no real movement options aside from taking cover, as the game opts for a “teleportation” style walkthrough as you move from a cleared area to an enemy filled one. In this game, limiting the player’s movement works, as it makes them think more like a member of a SWAT team in a high fire situation.

The game includes a story mode, time attack and challenge modes, offering something replayable for a good price. For those who just want to shoot things will a little less craze, there’s also a shooting range and “duck hunt” minigame included as well.

Players start off with a basic 15-shot pistol, but are able to collect coins in each run to buy upgraded guns, shields and even skins to customize the character.

For those who don’t want to play with the terrible computer partner, the game also offers online co-op, so you can play with a friend.

Overall, Crisis Brigade 2: Reloaded is a worthwhile game for those with the PSVR2 – and a penchant for shooting virtual enemies. It’s a nostalgic VR trip, and immersive shooter that won’t make you regret shelling out $19.99.

Crisis Brigade 2: Reloaded was reviewed after purchasing from the PlayStation store at full price.


VirtualRealities: Crisis Brigade 2 Reloaded

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