George Brown introduces new library system

Page 1+ is here to make your life easier with all resources in one place

George Brown College (GBC) has introduced a new system for students this February to ease the research process while using the Library Learning Commons (LLC) online.  

Page 1+ It is an improved version of the previous system, helping students find everything with one search may it be research papers, articles and much more.  

What is new in this system is that it connects students to library systems from other colleges as well, expanding the range of resources to choose from.  

“It’s a more efficient, more modernized, and streamlined version that also connects to other college library systems as well, because what page 1+ really represents, is an incredible effort by several Ontario Colleges to sort of pool their resources and their technical technological expertise to get onto the same system at the same time. So, looking for things in other college libraries is also a lot easier than it used to be,” explained Jasper Standish, library technician with the LLC.   

With a soft launch in December, the system was ready for its trial and the creators were looking for any potential bugs that might hinder the streamlined use of the system. Creators wanted the launch to be as ‘uneventful’ as possible, joked Standish who stated more bugs in the system would’ve made the launch way more ‘eventful’ than anyone would want.  

Talking about the challenges that students might face, they revealed they might be only few and far between as Page 1+ is extremely simple to use.  

Outdated links from the previous system might not open which can be easily fixed by anyone present on the virtual help-desk, Standish being one of those.  

“I haven’t encountered any strange queries, it’s pretty much been like the same sorts of queries as before, which is sometimes you try to find something, and the link is broken. And that just means that we need to make sure our link was always working. Just as it was the usual, like, specific, I need this thing and how am I going to find it? Yeah, so there hasn’t been anything. I would say it’s been a wonderfully uneventful launch.” 

For more information students can visit Page1+ by simply going to LLC’s official website and learn more about the system, use it and find helpful resources from various databases.


George Brown introduces new library system

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