Previewing the SAGBC’s fall election

Photo by Halley Requena-Silva

The Director of Communications and Internal and Director of Operations, the two most high-profile executive positions on the Student Association of George Brown College’s (SAGBC) Board will be up for election set to get underway later this month.

GBC students from three education centres will also be able to run three Education Centre Representative positions, for the community service and early childhood centre, the business centre and the preparatory and liberal studies centre.

The nomination period for the elections is set to open on November 9 and run until November 16. During this period, students would be able to nominate themselves or others for the available positions.

The SAGBC funds the Dialog.

Candidates running for office would be allowed to begin campaigning for their candidacy on November 22 and continue to do so until voting closes on December 3.

The voting period, during which all full-time students will be able to cast their votes in the election, will begin on November 29 and end on December 3.

Students who aspire to run for the offices of the two top executive director positions must have maintained a minimum of 3.0 grade point average during their most recent academic term and be in good academic standing in their program to be eligible. Though they also need to submit a letter of reference from a professor, employer or other supervisor confirming the candidate’s critical thinking and leadership skills, the Chief Returning Officer does not have the authority to reject a nomination based on the contents of the letter.

Aspiring candidates for the positions of Director of Operations and Director of Communications and Internal are also required to pass a test on the responsibilities and roles for the two positions following an information session in order to have their nominations certified.

Due to recent changes in the SAGBC bylaws, the Director of Communications and Internal and Director Operations cannot be enrolled in more than 50 per cent of their normal course load and must work 28 hours per week during their term at the office.

These changes in bylaws would clash with mandatory study and work requirements of international students on a study permit, putting the two executive positions out of their reach.

Both positions will receive remuneration of $17 per hour.

Over the past two years, the SAGBC has been upfront about a perceived lack of diversity among its board members. A report presented by the chief returning officer, Charles Wilson, labelled the board “largely homogeneous, and without diversity”.

Though the SAGBC can’t impede the democratic process of the elections by endorsing candidates, it is expected that the organization will attempt to elicit a more diverse field of candidates.

Sagar Sharma, the current director of operations, is nearing the end of his term. Whether he intends on running for a second term is unknown.

Urvish Patel was elected to the role of director of communications and internal in the spring election, though he was recently placed on a leave of absence. He is not expected to run in the upcoming elections.

One of the main duties of the director of communications and internal consists of working with the general manager and Executive Committee of the SAGBC in the creation and removal of staff positions and ensuring the viability of the organizational structure of the corporation.

They are also required to learn and understand current legislation and governing policies of the corporation and ensure that the Board adheres to its own rules.

The director of operations is responsible for overseeing and disbursing the funds of the corporation under the direction of the Executive Committee. The role is also responsible for reviewing the annual budget before its presentation to the board of directors in conjunction with the finance coordinators and operations committee.

Reporting budgetary updates and issues, proposed changes to ancillary fees and capital expenditures to the Operations Committee, making recommendations to the board regarding the appointment of a financial auditor are also among the duties of the Director of Operations.

Finally, educational centre representatives are responsible for planning and implementing program-based forums with the support of the director of education and equity, advocating on behalf of students facing issues in their respective programs and holding other board members and executives accountable, among other duties.

They receive a monthly honorarium of $600.

Representatives also act as liaisons between the Student Association and students, and as ambassadors for the organization at events on all campuses and student residences.

The Educational Centre Representatives are elected by the members registered in an academic program in their respective educational centres whereas executive members are elected by all students at the college.

No candidate is allowed to run for more than one position during the same election.


Previewing the SAGBC’s fall election

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