End of year Threads fashion show connects students with industry professionals
“I was very hard on my students, but look what came out of it!” said and excited Winnie Leung, a professor of fashion at George Brown College (GBC).
On April 26, GBC fashion students from four programs came together to showcase their work at Threads:. Provoked Emotions, a multi-event fashion presentation. For the first time, a fashion show, a portfolio presentation, a networking event and an awards ceremony were combined to take place at the Casa Loma stables.
A challenge for such a complicated affair was a unique learning experience for everyone that made students realize leadership is very important said Leung who had not slept since the day before. With the objective of connecting graduating fashion students with the industry, Leung said students being pleased with their event was the biggest success.
“They work hard managing multiple courses, but this one is one of the most important, as it puts their successes in the public limelight.”

Photo of a George Brown College fashion student’s design at the Threads fashion event. Photo: Aliona Kuts / The Dialog
Leung admitted to having high expectations and working with students to understand how important their contribution is. “You only really grow when you push yourself.”
Kimanie Johnson, a fashion techniques and design graduate, was a lead of the fashion production team who pitched the provocative them based on emotions.
“I felt it was so wide it could incorporate so many students’ ideas, because everybody has an emotion that inspires them.”
Johnson said taking numerous ideas from other students and putting them in a logical lineup for the show was the biggest challenge.
“Every student thinks differently, you have 200 garments to go through and it’s hard to choose and balance the looks with the overall vision and theme of the show.” The best part, he said, was seeing everything make sense at the show. “It was also nice to see it from both perspectives: a designer’s and an organizer’s.”
Bernadka Marszalkowski, another graduate from fashion techniques and design, was always keen on making clothes; “It puts me on a natural high. I just love doing it.”
Marszalkowski said she was challenged by the GBC professors in the program to think outside the box. For the show, she went through the submitted outfits to pick the ones that matched its emotions and to create a flow within. Looking forward to her future, Marszalkowski is open to all the opportunities life has to offer: “Let’s see where life is gonna take me.”
Shauh Richards-Walden, yet another fashion techniques and design graduate, lost her voice during the dress rehearsals and did an interview almost whispering. “My passion is fashion,” she said, proudly mentioning a few of her garments were in the show.
“I have come a very long way and improved so much; I am happy where I am and where I am going,” said Richards-Walden who recently had a chance to see one of her works from the first semester.
As part of the fashion show committee, “first I had hope that everything goes smoothly no matter what,” she continued. “I was excited—you get excited to see your work walked down the runway, it is a feeling of accomplishment.”
Being happy with the success of the event, this show, she said, gives the students hope that everything is possible as long as one put their mind to it and stay positive. “That is the message we tried to execute.”
In the end, she encouraged everyone to put the fear aside and head for the dream: “Fear is the only thing that is stopping you from where you want to go.”