eCampus Ontario will give students access to 13,000 online university and college courses

Students at George Brown College try out the new eCampus Ontario web portal on Oct. 8. Photo courtesy of Ministry of Training College and Universities.
Launched by the Ontario government on Oct. 8, a new online educational portal will provide post-secondary students with higher quality and more flexible online learning experiences according to a press release.
“Students should be excited about the eCampus online portal, which gives them the flexibility to access high quality online courses wherever and whenever works best for them,” said Reza Moridi, Minister of Training, Colleges and Universities. “The web portal builds on the province’s strong foundation in e-learning and distance education and allows institutions to collaborate, share best practices and online resources, and offer state-of-the-art courses that are recognized for credit across multiple institutions.”
Having invested $72 million over five years to support the development and operation of the portal, the province’s 45 publicly-assisted colleges and universities are now offering online courses through the website.
Students can search through more than 13,000 college and university courses including 277 new and redesigned courses with transferable credits between participating institutions.
“The new portal strengthens higher education in Ontario,” said Bill Summers vice-president of research and policy at Colleges Ontario. “It provides access to a broader range of information about online courses for students throughout the province.”
This website will let students easily and immediately identify their credit transfer information. It can also provide support and resources for faculty on how to design and deliver the online courses.
According to the website the portal is intended “to foster innovation and excellence on behalf of Ontario students,” while also allowing the exploration of new technologies, seeking value for learning, and leveraging existing strengths within the institutions involved in the collaboration.