Annual poster doubles as a soft launch for new retail venture

Victoria Little excitedly shows off her recently sold poster, saying, “I am so excited that my poster is one of the few that sold but I am super flattered that it sold, it’s a wonderful feeling but I feel very touched.” Photo: Anessa Mustapha/The Dialog
On Nov. 27, George Brown College’s (GBC) school of design held it’s annual poster show, also acting as a soft launch for the new “IN” store opening.
The poster show featured designs by second year graphic design students in the advertising and corporate programs.
The students were each given a fictitious client, in this case a restaurant, and were to design a poster for the restaurant without resorting to clichés.
“My poster is about the main dish served at a fine dining Greek restaurant, which is octopus and lemons,” said Marcus Farias, a second year graphic design student. “I really wanted to incorporate food somehow but not make it like typical fine dining posters. There’s a lot depth in the poster design.”
Each student’s poster was for sale during the event for $40 each, with the proceeds going toward student bursaries and awards that they would be eligible to apply for in the future.
“I am so excited that my poster is one of the few that sold,” said Victoria Little, a second year graphic design student. “I am super flattered, it’s a wonderful feeling and I feel very touched.”
Along with the opportunity to have their work purchased, the posters were also judged by a panel of experts who chose six winning posters.
Thirteen judges, all of whom are school of design alumni, chose six winners: Christopher Katende, Michael Shea, Kat Blade, Raymond Nayton, Ian S. Cant and Kristine Buerano, who was also awarded best in show.
“I didn’t think it was going to happen, it’s really humbling and I’m really thankful that they chose me for that,” said Buerano.
For the first time, the judges also awarded honourable mentions to four students who they felt deserved it.
“The judging was so close this year because there were so many good pieces that we usually hand out six awards but we really need to give some honourable mentions for the great work done this year,” said Prof. Jerri Johnson.
The event doubled as a soft launch for the school of design’s new store and e-magazine, called “IN.” The store, which is open Monday to Thursday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., currently only carries the School of Design line, which reflects the needs of everyday students.
According to special projects co-ordinator Lori Endes, she plans to increase the amount of products in the store and to carry products designed by students.
“We wanted to create a retail venture where students could learn about entrepreneurship and (where) students could develop designs that could potentially sell,” said Endes. “We will hold competitions so students can submit designs, and the winning designs will be put on products.”
The new e-magazine, which began as a class project, is part catalogue and part story content. The magazine will feature stories about staff, faculty and students as well as the products being produced at the school.
The official launch of the IN store and e-magazine will take place on Jan. 21.