Winning the election with 56 per cent of the votes for one constituency position, Biko Beauttah was elected as the Student Association’s new women and trans representative

Biko Beauttah the Student Associations new women and trans representative
Photo: Michael Nguyen/The Dialog
Passionate about women and trans issues, Biko Beauttah received 470 votes of the total 838 ballots cast by women and trans students in this election. Of the total votes cast, three per cent were rejected.
“I am very happy I won because this win is not for me, it’s for my constituents,” said Beauttah. “I feel energized by my win and will use this wind in my sails to do my job to the best of my abilities.”
Kirandeep Kaur Gill placed second with 18 per cent of the vote.
Chief returning officer Ashley Lukach disqualified two candidates for the Women and Trans People position. Beth Lafay, who received nine per cent of the vote, was disqualified after failing to submit an expense form by the deadline and Sukhpreet Kaur, who received 16 per cent of the vote, was disqualified for undisclosed reasons pending an appeal.
Two students were acclaimed for the campus director positions: Patricia Ivy Bonnaud for Satellite (Ryerson) campus director, and Jamie Jamieson for Waterfront campus director.
Patel Toral was acclaimed as the health sciences educational centre representative.