Hopeful women’s hockey team needs 16 players to get the puck moving

Jessica Janicki – ASL student —English interpreting program and creator of the women’s extramural hockey team.
Photo: Taylor Barba
This year might finally be the year that George Brown College (GBC) has an extramural women’s hockey team.
Ed Marks, GBC’s athletics manager, had stated that there had been a past attempt at creating a women’s hockey team. However, out of the 20 students who were “keen,” only three had shown-up regularly to practices.
On the GBC athletic website, it says that extramural teams are for people who want to “focus on getting fit, having fun and socializing with other students.”
While representing George Brown, you can also participate at a competitive level against colleges and universities within Ontario.
This is exactly what first year student Jessica Janicki, a student in the American Sign-Language (ASL)—English interpreting program, wants as she is the first student to advocate for the start of a women’s hockey team at the college.
“Hockey is where my heart’s at,” said Janicki.
Janicki came to George Brown with the hopes of finding a practice schedule for hockey tryouts, but was less than amused when she found out that the college did not offer a women’s team.
She has been playing hockey for almost 10 years and is familiar with a school not offering a hockey team—a reality she has been living since high school.
Because of her drive, she met and spoke with Gerard Hayes, director of student experience, to inquire about the proper steps to take to create a hockey team.
“If I want it, I’ll get it done,” said Janicki, having been taught this lesson after being one of the 30 people accepted into the ASL—English interpreting program. “You have to work hard for what you want and if you want it, you’ve got to go get it.”
So far, there are five women in the Facebook group, “GBC women’s hockey” but Janicki says “there’s more people that aren’t in this group that are interested.”
In order for this hockey team to succeed, they will need 16 players.
“As long as girls show up and are committed, I’m ready to go,” said Janicki, about the upcoming meeting for the women’s hockey team.
If any students are interested in playing for a new and upcoming women’s hockey team, drop into the athletics centre at St. James campus on Oct. 9 at 5:30 p.m. to get signed up, and to learn more information.
With files from David Grossman