Pee Pee. S.
Election Specialist

Students vote in the Student Association elections at Casa Loma campus March, 24, 2014. Photo: Mick Sweetman/The Dialog
When you have candidates promising free TTC passes, better health facilities, and weekly events on campus, it was not surprising that students actually turned up and voted at the Student Association’s (SA) election at George Brown College (GBC).
A whopping 90 per cent of students turned out to vote during the five day voting period from March 24–29.
“I wasn’t expecting this at all, especially with last year’s sloppy turnout where only 11 students voted,” said Sam Superman, the CRO appointed by the SA for the elections.
Huge line ups were seen at the polling stations at St. James, Casa Loma, Waterfront and even Ryerson campus. Some students were also found camping outside the St. James campus in order to avoid huge line ups in the morning.
“It was almost like Boxing Day. The only difference was that we camp outside Future Shop on Boxing Day to buy laptops and iPhones, but here we are waiting to elect our leaders who I am sure will give us laptops and iPhones for free,” said John Phone, an accounting student at GBC who waited all night in the cold just to cast his vote and avoid the rush.
The total number of students casting their votes this year was 27,458. This response has already made history in Canada. It’s the highest voter turnout in student elections at any educational institution, including colleges and Universities.
“We are thrilled. I have always maintained that we are different from other student associations. Last year at the AGM when we slashed wages for the representatives and campus directors, we thought the number of candidates applying would decrease. But it was completely the opposite,” said Hulia Mackintosh, director of internal affairs at the SA.
“This shows the commitment of our students, and also proves my point that students who really want to work will be willing to work without even getting paid for it,” said Mackintosh.
The sudden awareness amongst students to vote drew some attention. Some members from the Students Against Politics on Campus (SAPC) has asked the election commission at GBC to investigate the matter to check for fraud.
This in turn did not go well with the candidates, “We worked hard to get students’ votes. I skipped my mid-term exam just to be at the SA election forum and let students know why I was standing. I think SAPC is talking bullshit,” said Heeman (last name not provided) who ran for international student rep.
Another candidate, Danker Tanker, running for director of public relations said, “I campaigned for it, that’s why 27,458 students voted. I was hoping all of them voted for me.”
Unfortunately, Tanker was defeated.
“I was so confident of winning that I bought $1 million worth of TTC passes to distribute to students for free and thought of reimbursing the money from the SA when I came into power,” said Tanker, “I am now going to set up a stall on the corner to sell those before the month ends.”
Editor’s Note: The Monologue is the satire issue of The Dialog. All content in this issue is intended as satire or humorous commentary and makes no claim to be accurate, factual, or truthful. Please don’t sue us.