Ask us anything! Huskies, TTC and making out on campus - The Dialog

Ask us anything! Huskies, TTC and making out on campus

Ask us anything! is where we  try and answer questions sent in by students each issue. This week we tackle Huskies, TTC and making out at school

By Preeteesh Peetabh Singh
News Editor


Illustration: Sam Bullis/The Dialog

Illustration: Sam Bullis/The Dialog

Does George Brown College (GBC) have a sports team? What are they called?

Yes, we do have intramural, extramural and varsity sports facilities at GBC. Basketball, outdoor soccer, indoor soccer, volleyball, baseball, badminton and cross-country running are a few of them. GBC also has a dance team. Varsity sports teams are called the Huskies.


I need help with my course material. Is there a tutoring service available at the college?

GBC does have Peer Tutoring Program to assist students with their course material. The tutors are usually second or third year students who have completed training workshops. Tutoring is absolutely free and you can sign up at the counseling office at St. James campus, room 582C and Casa Loma campus, room C317.


I am new to Toronto. Can you explain me how to travel around in the city?

Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) includes subways, streetcars and buses which connects you to different parts of the city. You can refer to the TTC maps available at any subway station. Contact (416) 393-4636 or visit online for more information.


I think I made a wrong decision on selecting my courses this year. What is the procedure to transfer courses or program? 

To transfer to a different course or section you must complete a Student Action Form. These forms are available through your academic department or in our web site. Forms must be submitted to your department before the first five days of the start of the semester. There is an administrative fee of $20 for all transfer requests. All transfer requests are subject to availability.


What kind of disability service is available at GBC?

You can get assistance with classroom accommodation and equipment depending on the type of disability. To receive these services an intake form has to be filled out. Intake forms are available in the Disability Service Office located at room 582C at St. James campus. They can be reached at (416) 415-5000, ext. 2622


I want to opt-out from the $25 student levy I paid this year. Can you explain how?

For sure. The last date to opt out from the $25 student levy for the fall term is Oct. 3. Fill out and submit the opt-out form available at before the last date to get your refund.


I am an international student. I have been here two weeks; I am feeling lost and lonely. Can someone help me?

You will be fine. I was in the same boat when I landed here two years back. GBC has a multicultural environment and people will be more than willing to talk to you. We have various counseling services available at the college. You can visit the Student Association’s International Constituency Centre located at St. James campus in room 165B, they will be happy to see you. And make sure you Skype and call your friends back home regularly! Enjoy the new experience.


 What is SA WOW?

It is the Student Association’s Week Of Welcome for new students coming in this fall.


Me and my partner live far away from each other and we usually get to meet in the college only. I don’t know if this is an apt thing to ask. Where can we make out in the college?

Well, when we say ask us anything, you don’t have to worry about the question being apt or not. You need to meet more often. I am sure you can travel long distances for your partner during holidays. You can make out in the college for sure but make sure you don’t offend anyone. Maybe under the table?


Do you have any questions for us? Send us an email at and ask us anything!




Ask us anything! Huskies, TTC and making out on campus

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