By Preeteesh Peetabh Singh
Dialog Reporter
Winter orientation was held for all the new first-year students at George Brown College (GBC) starting in January 2013.
The orientation, or annual dean’s welcome, was held at various GBC campuses and was very well attended by the students. The ‘froshers’ were guided on the various services available in the college like health benefits, gym membership, the bookstore, library and student lounge.
Students got a chance to get acclimatized to the college campus and interact with the faculty. They were briefed about the student support services like career services, job opportunities, the peer-assisted learning centre, tutoring and Disability Services.
Letting them know about athletics, clubs, the Student Association, student life, and the Student Leadership Academy was also on the agenda.
The orientation included fun and excitement in the form of interactive games, contests and prizes.
Food and frosh kit were also handed out to all the students.
When new students were asked about why they preferred GBC over other colleges, The Dialog got the