Support for your mental health

The college experience may not be as easy as television makes it out to be.

During your academic career, there may be a few times when you feel as if your mental health may be suffering. Luckily, there are many supports available at most post-secondary institutions.

At George Brown College (GBC) both the college and the Student Association (SA) offer comprehensive mental health services to support students’ well-being and academic success.

These resources are vital in helping students navigate the pressures of college life.

Allan Choi, a complex mental health case manager at GBC, emphasizes the importance of accessible mental health services.

“Our services are designed to help students manage and overcome difficulties,” says Choi. “The transition from high school to college can be challenging. With more freedom comes less structure, requiring students to be more self-motivated and organized.”

These services include counseling, peer mentoring, and specialized support for issues such as eating disorders and LGBTQ concerns.

These mental health resources are available to all students and funded through student activity fees. Students can access support at any campus, including Waterfront, Casa Loma, and St. James, with additional satellite offices at Toronto Metropolitan University and the Daniels building.

The SA offers students a comprehensive health benefits package when they start each academic year. This includes access to a Student Assistance Plan (SAP), which focuses on providing mental health support for students at any time they may need it.

Yukiko Ito, senior coordinator of the health benefits program notes “the Student Assistance Program is designed for students’ mental health and well-being, offering services like short-term counseling available 24/7.”

Both Choi and Ito stress the importance of seeking help early. “Reach out when problems arise,” Choi advises. “The sooner students get connected with us, the better we can help them.”

Ito’s key message to students is to be aware of and utilize the available services. “It’s very important to understand what services are available and to access them when needed.”

Choi hopes that increased awareness will encourage more students to seek help.

“If this article helps inform people of what’s available, it will make me feel like I’ve helped in some small way,” he says.

Students seeking mental health support can contact George Brown’s counseling services by visiting any campus office or emailing

The Student Association’s Health Benefit team is also available by phone: 416-800-2008 Ext. 900, email:, and live chat on their website,


Support for your mental health

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