User service representative Delmi Arbizu (left) hands an iPad to Shelley Bee (right). Bee was not aware of the iPad service, but she went to borrow one from the St. James library as soon as she knew.
Photo: Preeteesh Peetabh Singh/The Dialog
How many of you know that you can borrow an iPad from the college library?
As of September, the George Brown College (GBC) library now loans iPads to students on a three-day term.
Edwin Cooke, user service representative at the Library Learning Commons (LLC) said, “Students requested for something lighter and little more accessible in comparison to a laptop. So we got iPads.”
“Like laptops, if you loan an iPad for eight hours, it gives you enough time to put on the applications that you may need and maybe go to class. But if you have it overnight, you are able to download any recordings that you have done and you are able to transfer any materials needed,” said Cooke.
The process of lending an iPad is simple. If it’s your first time borrowing, you need to sign an agreement saying that you are responsible for the equipment. A student ID is good enough to borrow it thereafter.
Currently St. James campus has 10 iPads; Casa Loma, 15; and Waterfront, 10. LLC is trying to get this number up to 32 in each campus in the next few months.
“I was not aware of this service but now that I do, definitely I will be using it,” said academic upgrade program student, Shelley Bee.
Cooke said, “That’s one of the things we are trying to figure out. How we make students aware? Especially for students who started in January, they get bombarded with so much information. There is a newsletter going to every student once a week, so we put it in that. Word of mouth also works.”
Shalom Lamanilao, completing his degree in financial services program said, “I am aware of the service, because one of my classmates borrowed an iPad and I saw him use it in the classroom. He uses the iPad to download the lecture instead of borrowing a laptop which is heavier. I think it is a good alternative to a laptop. In our program we are mandated to have our own laptop, but in case I forget my laptop, I can borrow an iPad from the library.”
Not everyone is easily willing to borrow the iPad, Saad Ibrahim, academic upgrading program, was curious to know what happens if it gets damaged, misplaced or stolen during the loan tenure?
The loan agreement states that students are required to assume responsibility and pay fines up to a maximum of $2000 for all repair or replacement costs in the event of loss, theft or damage to the equipment. A late fee of $25 per day is applicable if the iPad is not returned in time.
GBC library also lends out AV equipment, projectors, digital cameras, voice recorders, presentation pointers, computer mice, portable DVD players, laptops and even mobile chargers.