Letter: safety not a concern at GBC

Dear Editor:

I woke up at 4:30 a.m. on the day of the major Toronto snowstorm to check the GBC website (as instructed by my program faculty) which stated, “The college is open”. I only had clinics that day, which were cancelled, but how did I get this message? Through Facebook; not the website where it was supposed to be listed!

I think the college did a very poor job handling the snowstorm situation. It is clear that safety is not a concern at GBC; most if not all the students that attend college here are commuters coming from long distances. It took until 3 p.m. that day for the college to realize it should close its doors… at 6 p.m.!

Good call GBC, by that time day classes are finished anyway!

Natasha Mehan
Student Association Waterfront campus director & concerned student


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Letter: safety not a concern at GBC

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